Our Services

As one of the largest and most trusted concrete grinders and polishers in North Qld, we have always been appreciated for our fine workmanship and high quality standards. We have the experience of grinding and polishing thousands of square meters of commercial, industrial and domestic flooring.

The Floor Preparation Team at Concrete Grinding & Polishing Services are specialists who can provide a range of state of the art and professional services such as concrete grinding, repairs and polishing for your projects.

Here is a list of  services provided for flooring finishes in commercial, industrial and domestic applications:

  • Polished Concrete
  • Concrete Grinding
  • Ceramic Tile Removal
  • Removal of  Glue, Epoxy and Paint
  • Lippage Removal
  • Floor Levelling
  • Floor Stripping
  • Stencil Crete Removal
  • Surface Preparation
  • Smooth Sealing and non slip Sealing
  • Grinding of Rain Damaged Concrete
  • Supply and installation of carpet, carpet tiles, vinyl, vinyl tiles for domestic, commercial and industrial use.

For an expert advice in everything to do with your flooring, contact us today.

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